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Showing posts with label 57. Show all posts

Saturday 27 May 2023

Retained EU Laws and Latest Migration Figures

by Louise Mclean

Retained EU Laws

It has recently been revealed that despite a Bill to remove unnecessary EU Laws from the British Parliament's statute books, this has not happened.  I tend to believe that the reason, unknown to the general public, is that there is a plan to bring us back into the European Union and especially if the Labour Party gets back into power at the next general election. Certainly the likes of Tony Blair and other Arch-Remainers would want this.

Prime Minister Theresa May embedded Retained EU Law in the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018 'to ensure legal certainty and continuity' immediately after Brexit, by preserving all EU and EU-derived law as it stood immediately before the UK's departure.

The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022 was introduced by Liz Truss and Jacob Rees-Mogg last year. According to this
laws that are no longer needed will be removed by the end of December 2023.  This government article talks of bringing forward the 'opportunities of Brexit', although few of these have been realised, due to Britain having globalist leaders and entrenched anti-Brexit civil servants.  

It says the Bill will let parliament update our legislation through 'substance and status reviews' and mentions '2,400 pieces of retained EU law across 300 unique policy areas and 21 sectors of the economy'.  The reality is there are approximately 57,000 EU laws on our statute books! Watch Patriotic Lawyer Exposes Truth about EU Laws in Britain. 

This month it has been revealed that our PM Rishi Sunak has said that only about 600 laws will now be revoked instead of at least 4,000, after he had promised to shred them in his leadership campaign last summer.

Latest Immigration Figures

When there was a national referendum on leaving the European Union in 2016, millions of people voted to leave because they wanted to control Britain's borders and massively reduce the numbers coming to live here. Apparently this fell on deaf ears to the Conservative Party who have been in power since 2010 because immigration has been steadily rising to an untenable number.  

The latest figures that came out on 25th May 2023 show that a total of 1.2 million people came to live in the UK during 2022!  The net migration figure is 606,000, meaning 600,000 people left the UK.  This net figure is always put out to make the total arriving here look less.

These figures show only Legal Immigration and do not reflect the number of illegal immigrants who crossed the channel in dinghies over the past year.  These are estimated to be around 45,000 people, though probably far higher and of course the figures do not include stowaways in lorries and others that creep in around our long coastline!

According to this site, the Home Office granted 3 million visas between March 2022 and March 2023, which is a 90% increase from the year before! The categories break down like this:-

Visit Visas - 51%
Study Visas - 21% (including dependants)
Work Visas - 16% (including dependants)
Family Visas - 3%
Other reasons - 9% (including Ukraine Schemes and BN(O) route)

The Home Office has 62,292 organisations on its register who sponsor work. These are British companies that encourage immigration but there is strong criticism that they should be training British workers instead of importing cheap labour.

It's clear that a small island like Britain cannot continue to take in over a million new people every year. Apparently a new home would need to be built every 2 minutes to house them all. Right now there is a great shortage of housing for our own people and of course that means rental prices have soared and you won't get a decent 2 bedroom flat for less than £2,300 a month in outer London.

Not just housing but all public services are under strain right now and the traffic is very congested on the roads, as our roads were never designed for so many people.  It has been said that Britain is now the most highly populated country in Europe.  Apparently the whole world wants to come here and the reasons are many. Generous welfare benefits, free medical service, free schooling, £ sterling converts so highly into other worldwide currencies to send home.

But for the British people who have lived here for generations, they are dismayed at the massive influx, which is now clearly impacting on their culture, their language and their way of life.

Currently the Illegal Migration Bill is going through Parliament and being carefully checked by the House of Lords right now.  Nevertheless no one really believes that with the current extremely lax system, which seems to allow almost anyone from around the world to come here, that anything will really change. If you don't believe how lax the system is, just look at the Government's own website.

Sir Keir Starmer's Britain

The Labour government was voted into power at the General Election held on 4th July 2024 and has over 400 MPs in Parliament.  Sir Keir Starm...