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Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts

Friday, 24 January 2025

Trump Will Show Britain!

by Louise Mclean

On 20th January 2025, President Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America, with huge relief from MAGA voters and people throughout the world.  He lost no time in signing Executive Orders to kick off his Plan for America, signing many on the first day!

Many of these EOs which will ban DEI, gender 'nonsense' as he stated in his speech to Davos yesterday, are currently affecting the UK, including our membership of WHO, which Trump has currently suspended for America.

We in Britain with our disastrous Labour Party government, are hoping and praying that Trump's policies will impact us in a positive way.  In the Q posts, it was stated that Trump would eventually help us, when he had sorted out his own country but things might happen sooner.

There is the question of the one hundred Labour activists that flew to American swing states to campaign for Kamala Harris just before the Presidential election on 5th November.  According to an Executive Order signed in 2018 by Trump in his first presidency and never repealed, this would amount to foreign interference in US elections.  These activists could be extradited, have to pay a fine or even be jailed, according to the law.

Then there is Sir Keir Starmer's pick for the UK's Ambassador to the US, Lord Peter Mandelson, who was an European Union Commissioner.  He is in receipt of an annual pension from the EU, with one of its conditions being loyalty. Trump is known to not favour this choice and no doubt knows that Mandelson is a Globalist EU fanatic, who worked closely with Tony Blair in the '90s and 2000s to bring about the great decline of Britain. Recently, Starmer has been endeavouring to create closer ties with Britain and the EU, much to the discomfiture of the Brexit voters!

In fact we know that President Trump is not very enamoured by the European Union and recently said he might charge tariffs on their goods, as well as on Chinese, Canadian and Mexican products. Not only will this increase US revenue but it is all part of Trump's plan to bring back manufacturing to the United States.

There is another thing that happened just before the Inauguration.  Starmer has committed Britain to paying £3 billion a year for the next 100 years to Ukraine!  This, just before everyone knew Trump was going to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine! Since many vital services and benefits have been drastically cut in Britain, people are rightly angry about this money being spent elsewhere!

Even worse, the British owned Chagos Islands were about to be given away to Mauritius, with a £9 billion payment gift and this was literally one week before the Inauguration!  The largest island of Diego Garcia, has been a British and American military base since the 1970s and is very important strategically to the US.  Luckily it was stopped in time after a huge outcry in Britain and very likely a strong intervention from Trump himself.

Through Elon Musk, who has taken a great interest in British politics recently and also through Nigel Farage, Leader of the Reform UK Party, who has been friends with Donald Trump since the Brexit Referendum of 2016, President Trump is very likely to be updated on a regular basis on the state of our nation, which is currently in dire straits and economically in recession.

President Trump has a special love for Britain, through his own mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, who was born on the Scottish island of Lewis in the Hebrides. Then there is Trump's Turnberry Golf Club, set on a beautiful peninsula in South Ayrshire, Scotland, where he enjoys playing,.

President Trump gave a speech yesterday to the astounded attendees of the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, setting out how he is going to reverse all their damaging policies enacted and supported by President Joe Biden. The message is loud and clear to the world that their plans are seriously on life support now that he is President and many countries in Europe and throughout the world are rejoicing!

There is no doubt that the Trump Effect will influence Britain in the next few months and years and for most people here, the sooner the better!

Thursday, 11 August 2022

CPAC - Farage, Orban, Trump and More

by Louise Mclean

The Conservative Political Action Conference was held this summer from 4th to 7th August in Dallas, Texas, with a big line up of speakers.  

There was a great deal of excitement at the conference because Donald Trump's 43 candidate endorsements had nearly all won their primaries and the majority of people in the audience were MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters!

On Thursday 4th August, Viktor Orban took to the stage to often rapturous applause, especially when he attacked the Woke agenda by saying: 'A man is a father, a woman is a mother and stay away from our children!'  He also talked about how Hungary had refused to take in any illegal migrants and how they had built a wall which had successfully kept them out. 

Orban is no fan of the globalists and their agenda.  He mentioned how Hungary was a Christian country which believes in the family. They have given tax breaks to married people, which has resulted in a doubling of marriages in the past 10 years and a halving of abortions.

Also attending was Nigel Farage who spoke on Saturday 6th August. He has attended before and he is due to attend CPAC in Sydney.  His speech was not as long as Orban's but he made it clear that the biggest threat we face is the 5th column inside our countries attempting to destroy the family unit, our Judeo Christian culture, our constitution and our history, through a Marxist education system infiltrating our schools, colleges and universities. 

Nigel also attacked the Fake News and how he was sick of hearing the accusation of white privilege in the English speaking countries. 

Farage said our conservative parties and elected representatives were not actually conservatives. The Americans have their RINOS (Republicans in Name Only) and he thinks the UK has the same, as Boris Johnson was elected as a Conservative Prime Minister but chose to govern as a liberal. 

Nigel said if America falls, we all fall and he urged the people there to fight back against all this and pointed out that the silent majority of the public are on our side. 

Nigel went on to praise Trump and pointed out how in 2018 Trump had warned the Germans not to be dependent on Russian energy and they had laughed at him but 'they are not laughing now'.

The highly anticipated big speech of the weekend came from Donald Trump on Saturday night.  He spoke of how the US is a nation in decline, how energy prices are sky high, when under his administration America had been energy independent. Now President Biden has been begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil, having closed down oil production in America. He said the US now has the highest inflation in over 40 years and that the Stock Market is at its lowest for five decades.  

Trump pointed out how the US had surrendered in Afghanistan and left behind $85 billion worth of the finest military hardware in the world.  He said the nation no longer had a free or fair press and free speech was no longer allowed.  The education system was failing badly, crime in Democrat-run cities was rampant and the economy was collapsing. Trump felt America was no longer respected or listened to. 

He also talked about the political persecution he has had to endure since 2016.  How he was accused of working with Russia, which was proven to be a hoax and was nearly impeached twice for committing no crime.

However he believed that soon the US would have its greatness again and the hard working patriots who built the country would save the country.  With all of Trump's candidates winning in the primaries recently, it certainly looks like the Republican Party will win the November midterms and make a highly successful comeback!

Two of the biggest stars at the conference were Republicans Kari Lake of Arizona and Marjorie Taylor Greene of GeorgiaKari Lake had just won her primary for governor of Arizona.  Kari is a hugely popular ex journalist and does not hold back when speaking. Marjorie is also a very popular, straight talking woman, who has been continually attacked by the press. She actually went to visit the January 6th prisoners and reported to the world on the terrible conditions they are living in. Altogether there were nearly 40 speakers.

It does seem a bit of a coincidence that Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago was raided by the FBI on Monday 8th August, the day after this important conference ended, ostensibly to find classified documents that Trump was purportedly holding.  The world is shocked that this could happen to a President of the United States but Americans are hoping that the candidates he has endorsed to stand in the midterms will be unstoppable!

Trump Will Show Britain!

by Louise Mclean On 20th January 2025, President Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America, with huge relief ...