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Friday, 24 January 2025

Trump Will Show Britain!

by Louise Mclean

On 20th January 2025, President Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America, with huge relief from MAGA voters and people throughout the world.  He lost no time in signing Executive Orders to kick off his Plan for America, signing many on the first day!

Many of these EOs which will ban DEI, gender 'nonsense' as he stated in his speech to Davos yesterday, are currently affecting the UK, including our membership of WHO, which Trump has currently suspended for America.

We in Britain with our disastrous Labour Party government, are hoping and praying that Trump's policies will impact us in a positive way.  In the Q posts, it was stated that Trump would eventually help us, when he had sorted out his own country but things might happen sooner.

There is the question of the one hundred Labour activists that flew to American swing states to campaign for Kamala Harris just before the Presidential election on 5th November.  According to an Executive Order signed in 2018 by Trump in his first presidency and never repealed, this would amount to foreign interference in US elections.  These activists could be extradited, have to pay a fine or even be jailed, according to the law.

Then there is Sir Keir Starmer's pick for the UK's Ambassador to the US, Lord Peter Mandelson, who was an European Union Commissioner.  He is in receipt of an annual pension from the EU, with one of its conditions being loyalty. Trump is known to not favour this choice and no doubt knows that Mandelson is a Globalist EU fanatic, who worked closely with Tony Blair in the '90s and 2000s to bring about the great decline of Britain. Recently, Starmer has been endeavouring to create closer ties with Britain and the EU, much to the discomfiture of the Brexit voters!

In fact we know that President Trump is not very enamoured by the European Union and recently said he might charge tariffs on their goods, as well as on Chinese, Canadian and Mexican products. Not only will this increase US revenue but it is all part of Trump's plan to bring back manufacturing to the United States.

There is another thing that happened just before the Inauguration.  Starmer has committed Britain to paying £3 billion a year for the next 100 years to Ukraine!  This, just before everyone knew Trump was going to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine! Since many vital services and benefits have been drastically cut in Britain, people are rightly angry about this money being spent elsewhere!

Even worse, the British owned Chagos Islands were about to be given away to Mauritius, with a £9 billion payment gift and this was literally one week before the Inauguration!  The largest island of Diego Garcia, has been a British and American military base since the 1970s and is very important strategically to the US.  Luckily it was stopped in time after a huge outcry in Britain and very likely a strong intervention from Trump himself.

Through Elon Musk, who has taken a great interest in British politics recently and also through Nigel Farage, Leader of the Reform UK Party, who has been friends with Donald Trump since the Brexit Referendum of 2016, President Trump is very likely to be updated on a regular basis on the state of our nation, which is currently in dire straits and economically in recession.

President Trump has a special love for Britain, through his own mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, who was born on the Scottish island of Lewis in the Hebrides. Then there is Trump's Turnberry Golf Club, set on a beautiful peninsula in South Ayrshire, Scotland, where he enjoys playing,.

President Trump gave a speech yesterday to the astounded attendees of the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, setting out how he is going to reverse all their damaging policies enacted and supported by President Joe Biden. The message is loud and clear to the world that their plans are seriously on life support now that he is President and many countries in Europe and throughout the world are rejoicing!

There is no doubt that the Trump Effect will influence Britain in the next few months and years and for most people here, the sooner the better!

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Reform UK Party Surges Ahead!

by Louise Mclean

Since the General Election on 4th July 2024, which was called at very short notice and won by the socialist Labour Party, Reform UK has had to create an entire root and branch political party in just six months.  It had previously only had a skeleton structure, though had managed to field candidates in the July election, some of which were, as Leader Nigel Farage said, not properly vetted.  In this last six months, Reform is creating regional branches all around Britain and getting itself ready for the Council elections in May 2025.

In December Reform proved that it had been getting thousands of new members joining and publicised its numbers via a ticker counter.  This was challenged by the new opposition Conservative leader, Kemi Badenoch and her allegation that the counter was fixed at the back end, was shown to be false.  The Conservatives were very put out by the fact that in December 2024 the number of Reform members had surpassed their own Conservative members at 131,680.  

Now in January 2025, Reform currently has 180,000+ members of the public who have joined the party and the current Labour government under Sir Keir Starmer has responded by trying to cancel the local Council elections in May, as they are so scared that their councillors will lose all their seats to Reform.  Not very democratic!

Reform UK gained five MPs in the July General Election, who are now in Parliament - Nigel Farage (Leader), Richard Tice (Deputy Leader), Rupert Lowe, Lee Anderson and James McMurdock.  In fact Reform came 2nd after Labour in 98 parliamentary constituencies in the July 2024 election!  Hopefully next time they come first.

Only five Reform MPs but each one is making a big impact, speaking out in Parliament about everything that is wrong with our country and Rupert Lowe has been exceptionally vocal and brave.  Follow him on Twitter @RupertLowe10. 

Reform is currently running neck and neck with the Labour Party at 25% each in the opinion polls!

Recently the huge scandal of the 'grooming gangs', which were really rape gangs of young British girls by mainly Pakistani men, has been in the headlines.  On 8th January there was a vote in Parliament to have a national inquiry, as it was found that this had been going on in at least 50 towns and cities for decades!

The Labour government told all its 400+ MPs to vote against a national inquiry, which they did, so in the end the vote was 364 against the inquiry, with 111 votes for an inquiry.

This was so disgraceful that Reform leader Nigel Farage announced that if the government will not conduct an inquiry, Reform UK will raise the money for an inquiry themselves and get independent retired judges and policeman to oversee it.  There are lots of whistle blowers who would come forward, as it seems that anyone trying to speak the truth about this in the past had been silenced.

Reform's other policies are to scrap Net Zero which is costing Britain about £90 billion, we cannot afford.  We have solar panels and wind farms, which are useless when there is no sun or wind blowing!  

Reform are also against the WHO Pandemic Treaty and would pull us out.

They are especially anti-illegal immigration and have said they would get the Royal Navy to escort the people coming on dinghies across the English Channel, back to France where they came from. First they would have to get us out of the European Court of Human Rights and create our own Bill of Rights. That would soon make the message clear - you will be turned back. Currently the Labour Party have done nothing to stem the tide of illegals and even with legal immigration, one million new people came into the country last year.  

We are only a small country and we do not have the space or the housing for them all.  This has put up house and rental prices to unaffordable levels for the people here already, meaning we now have thousands of homeless people on the streets, nearly all white British!

Currently like America, we are giving these illegal migrants far too many freebies, including hotel accommodation, free dentistry and healthcare, free money.  They are even being seen before British citizens in our National Health Service (NHS).  

It is totally crazy because right now, due to Labour party policies, Britain is broke, the economy is flatlining, young entrepreneurs are fleeing to low tax countries and we are heading for a recession.

Everyone is outraged by the socialist Labour party policies, which involves tax rises and making farmers pay inheritance tax, which means thousands of farms will have to close down, even though they have been farmed by families for generations. This will then create food shortages.

After promising the opposite, one of the first things the Labour Government did was to remove the Winter Fuel payments to pensioners (Seniors), leaving them to freeze in their homes.  Britain has the highest energy prices in the world and right now, thanks to the crazy Net Zero policy, there is a very real possibility that we are about to run out of gas completely.  We previously had our own gas in the North Sea, which Labour closed down and instead imports gas!

The list of disastrous things Labour has done since it came into power in July, is absolutely endless with new announcements all the time. It feels like they have been in power far longer than six months! Today we hear that Labour is -45% in its approval rating!

Yet they have plenty of money to send to Ukraine, for Foreign Aid and money for Carbon Capture machines!  As people should know, in Photosynthesis, trees and plants breathe in CO2 and breathe out Oxygen for humans, so without CO2 we could all die! In fact it has been proven that if you pump CO2 into a greenhouse full of plants, they grown much faster and better!

Elon Musk has joined in with the chorus of disapproval of the Labour government and been accused of foreign interference, so people have pointed out the foreign interference coming from Gates and Fink. He was slightly critical of Nigel Farage who has distanced himself from Tommy Robinson, the man who first brought everyone's attention to the 'grooming gangs' but Elon approved of Reform conducting a national inquiry on this.

Overall, right now Britain is in turmoil, people are quite depressed (and extremely cold), there is huge waste and corruption in our government, which we really need a Musk DOGE to sort out! The only hope right now is a Reform surge to take over and turn this around, like Trump will do in America.  Luckily, as we know, Nigel Farage and Donald Trump are good friends, so I am sure Trump will help show the way!

Of course everyone knows that Nigel Farage was responsible for getting Brexit done and if Reform ever form a government, then all the opportunities of Brexit can be fulfilled, as currently Labour would like to reverse it!

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Trump Triumphs!

On 6th November 2024 President Donald J. Trump was announced the winner of the 2024 US Election!  Some counties in Arizona are still being counted but the last electoral college count seen was 226 to Kamala Harris and 312 to Donald Trump.

Trump plans to completely overhaul the government and the three letter agencies when he has been inaugurated.  He says there is far too much corruption in all of them.

He also plans to deport criminal illegal migrants who have been terrorising the American population for too long.  He will use the Criminal Alien Act of 1798 to enforce this. He says something like 20 million have come in through the open border with Mexico since Biden took office and Trump plans to start with deporting one million of these.  He says the price tag will be high but worth it.

Trump has hired RFK, Jr., to be his Health Czar and wants him to find out the reason there is so much sickness in America, especially among children, who are given 72 vaccines during their childhood.  He will be tasked with overseeing reform of the CDC and the FDA.

Elon Musk is to set up a Commission to find and remove government waste in money and resources.

Trump has appointed the first woman to be his Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles, someone known as the Ice Maiden for her ability to remain calm in a crisis.

However there are still plans by the Democrats to stop Trump from becoming President on 20th January 2025.  They might try to use the 14th Amendment saying he started an Insurrection on January 6th 2021.  They may try to put him in jail on 26th November when he still has a court case to attend. Jamie Raskin has said he will never set foot in the Oval Office again.

Meanwhile, in Britain, the whole political establishment was shocked and horrified when Trump was announced the winner!  All the political coverage on television had stated that Kamala Harris was going to win!  On the night of the actual election on 5th November in the UK, the coverage was dreadful with just Democrat campaigners appearing on television.

Sir Keir Starmer had already visited Donald Trump for a two hour meeting before the election.  According to Newsnight on 7th November, Trump asked him lots of questions but did not give away much himself.  David Lammy, our Foreign Secretary, had been particularly rude about Trump in the past, along with lots of other politicians, who are now a bit worried about what they said!

Donald Trump wrote the book 'The Art of the Deal' and is extremely clever about how he handles political leaders worldwide.  On the Joe Rogan show he said he liked to take the war hawk John Bolton with him to visit Putin and Kim Jong Un because when they saw him, they thought America was going to attack them and that made it easier to make a deal!  

Trump is going to completely overhaul America.  He has had four years to work out all his plans and to study how things are done.  This time, he will not have the Obama people around him when he is in office.  Remember when he first came to power he was not a politician and had to learn on the job.  He has some wonderful policies that he has spoken about during his numerous rallies before the election.

One of them is to eventually abolish income tax altogether and just run the federal government with money made from trade tariffs!  Trump wants to bring back manufacturing to America by giving companies tax deals as an incentive.  Far too much of this has been outsourced to Mexico and other countries, as it has been in Britain.  Hence if American industry takes off again, Trump will charge tariffs on imports.

There is still the possibility of a free trade deal with Britain, as we are no longer a member of the European Union but after the way UK politicians have behaved towards Trump, we will have to hope they are forgiven.  We sell a great deal to the US and they to us.

When Biden got in, he closed down the pipelines but Trump not only wants to 'Drill Baby, Drill', he wants to export oil to Europe, which may help our sky high prices, the highest in the world apparently. He will therefore bring down the price of petrol in America which soared under Biden.  All of this will help the American economy and put more money into the pockets of ordinary people.

Trump has already hired an organic farmer, Joel Salatin, to advise on agriculture.  Hopefully this will mean the end of genetically modified crops ruining the health of Americans.

Donald Trump's policies are too numerous to mention in one article but suffice to say that it will be a new Golden Age of America and everyone, even the Democrats will be pleased to see their taxes cut, their energy and food prices dropping and a much safer America than under Biden.

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Sir Keir Starmer's Britain

The Labour government was voted into power at the General Election held on 4th July 2024 and has over 400 MPs in Parliament.  Sir Keir Starmer is now the Prime Minister and has currently been in power just over 2 months.  

In that time he has brought in a series of new measures that are proving to be highly unpopular, not only with the general public but also with Labour voters as well.

At the end of July there was a very nasty incident in Southport where children were stabbed and the local community were outraged, thinking it was caused by an illegal migrant. This was later announced to not be the case but resulted in major riots in Britain.  Starmer's response was to arrest and jail people found to have taken part in the riots and in addition to crack down hard on any social media posts on the subject.  People who just happened to be in the street witnessing the riots, were also caught up in this and questioned by the police.

The next thing he did was to announce he was removing the Winter Fuel Allowance from 10 million old age pensioners, despite the majority being very hard up and terrified as to how they will be able to afford to heat their homes during the coming winter.  On Tuesday 10th September there was a vote in Parliament about scrapping this benefit and Labour, being in the majority, won the vote, despite widespread outcry at the unfairness.

There is talk too of removing old people's free bus passes, which they have been entitled to for many years. Also to take away the reduction in Council Tax for old people living alone, which we all pay to local councils.. Most old age pensioners live on a paltry £11,500 a year, which is their State Pension.

While removing pensioners' fuel allowance, Labour MPs still get their own heating costs paid on their second homes, as well as many other expenses.  The total bill for the winter fuel allowance for 10 million pensioners is about £1.3 billion.

Yet this government seems to have enough money to send more than £10 billion in foreign aid, as well as £3 billion a year to Ukraine ('for as long as it takes'). Our Foreign Secretary David Lammy recently met his US counterpart Anthony Blinken and they flew to Ukraine to meet Zelensky. Now Sir Keir Starmer has flown to the US to meet Joe Biden to discuss sending long range missiles to attack Russian cities.  Starting WWIII does not seem to be a very wise move.

Labour has long had links with the Trade Unions, who are their biggest donors.  Therefore as soon as he assumed office, Starmer was quite happy to please them by giving favoured sectors inflation busting pay rises, such as to train drivers and others. Doctors were given a 22% pay rise over 3 years.

Another of Starmer's policies is that he wants to prevent evictions of tenants in rented properties.  This of course puts off landlords renting their property and will make them want to sell it instead, thereby reducing the rented accommodation available, at a time when it is already in great shortage.  It is said that this policy will increase rentals by 10%, when it is already very expensive and unaffordable for many.

There is already a massive shortage of rental accommodation in Britain.  Millions of Britons are on waiting lists for social housing, yet newly arriving migrants have been jumping the queue for these cheaper homes ahead of the indigenous population.

We have a population explosion in Britain with estimates of 10 million people arriving here in the past 20 years.  Sir Keir Starmer's answer to this is to 'smash the people smuggling gangs' bringing in illegal migrants in small boats across the Channel from France. So far he has done nothing whatsoever to stem the tide of between 350-1000 people a day coming into Britain illegally.  He got rid of the Rwanda plan outlined in a previous article, immediately on taking office, which was meant to be a deterrent by sending people there if they arrived illegally. 

The next extremely worrying announcement is that Keir Starmer is releasing up to 5,000 prisoners, as he says the prisons are currently full. 2,000 were released on 11th September with gang members greeting them outside the prisons with bottles of champagne and cannabis joints (all filmed by mainstream media!)

There are apparently 10,000 foreign born nationals currently in our prisons and there have been calls to make room by deporting them back so their own countries can deal with them.  Of course this won't happen because judges at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) have previously prevented very dangerous criminals being deported, even when they were on a plane about to take off on the runway! 

The latest is that newly elected Reform party leader MP Nigel Farage, who has a one hour show three times a week on GB News channel, might be forced to relinquish his job because a new 'Modernisation' parliamentary committee has decided that MPs should not have two jobs.  Lots of MPs have had two or more jobs for years.  Perhaps it is only because Nigel is so good at getting the truth out on his evening programme and is so very popular with the public that he is being targeted.

It seems this new Labour Government is very keen to clamp down on free speech and it may only get worse before it gets better.  Thousands if not millions of people are waking up to this and the injustice of all of the above policies.  

We are getting unpopular policy announcements nearly every day from this new Labour government and quite frankly don't know what to expect next!

Friday, 16 August 2024

The Rise and Rise of the Reform UK Party

by Louise Mclean

When Rishi Sunak announced on 22nd May 2024 that there would be a General Election being held on 4th July 2024, it came as a surprise to everybody! No one was prepared, least of all the main political parties, except perhaps the Labour Party, who were taking their orders from the World Economic Forum, knew they were on course to win it. 

Reform UK had been steadily building and creating a solid political party since it was first registered in November 2018 by the party leader of the Brexit Party, Nigel Farage, which it replaced, taking the logo and turquoise blue colour of that party with it. 

Everyone had thought that a general election would be likely to be held in the autumn, giving the smaller parties time to get themselves ready. For Reform UK, it meant a mad dash to get everything into place. They had already chosen nearly all the 650 candidates for all UK constituencies but nevertheless there remained a great deal to be done. At the time Richard Tice was party leader. 

On 3rd June 2024, Nigel Farage suddenly decided that he would stand to win a seat in the election in the Essex seaside constituency of Clacton. He also took over the party leadership from Tice. He held quite a few rallies in Clacton which were very popular. People were thrilled when they heard he was going to stand as an MP. 

Richard Tice stood for Boston and Skegness and Ben Habib for Wellingborough and Rushden. Ben had fought to stop Northern Ireland staying in the European Union and unfortunately did not win the seat, which was a great pity as he is a very decent person. Many of these people had previously been Brexit Party MEPs in May 2019 when nearly 30 of them were elected to go into the European Parliament because we hadn't yet left the EU. 

Reform held a huge rally of 5,000 people at the NEC in Birmingham, which was a huge success. The whole campaign took off like a rocket! The Establishment were dismayed as they did not like any challenges to their Uniparty of Conservatives and Labour. 

Reform decided not to have a Manifesto, like other political parties but instead a 'Contract with the People' which listed a huge number of extremely popular policies, which can be found on their website, the No.1 being to stop uncontrolled immigration.  

It was testimony to how fed up the British people were with the millions coming in to Britain that Reform UK came second in 98 constituencies in the country! Though only 5 people were elected as MPs: Nigel Farage, Richard Tice, Rupert Lowe, Lee Anderson and James McMurdock. 

Lee Anderson had previously been elected a Conservative MP for Ashfield in the 2019 General Election when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister. In March 2024 he was kicked out, when he was Deputy Chairman of the party, for making a comment about Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, saying Islamists had got control of Khan and got control of London. He refused to apologise. After that within weeks he joined Reform UK as he found their goals and values to be similar to his own. 

Lee was hugely popular with the country, as he is a man of integrity and as far as I can see, so are all five of the Reform MPs. Rupert Lowe, MP for Great Yarmouth is already donating all of his MP salary to charities and good causes in his constituency! This is what we want for Britain. Sensible policies and MPs who cannot be bought, blackmailed or bribed. 

In the end of course Labour did win the election by a huge majority, though its popularity is dropping fast after only just over 5 weeks of its 5 year term! As at yesterday's date Labour was on 33%, Reform UK on 21%, Conservatives on 20%, so Reform has already surpassed the Conservatives. 

The reason the Conservatives did so badly in the general election is that they had been in power for 14 years since 2010, had 5 different Prime Ministers (David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss briefly and Rishi Sunak) and far from reducing immigration as promised in 4 manifestos, they had massively increased it! 

In the 2024 general election, Labour added 211 seats for a total of 412 MPs, the Conservatives lost 121 seats and now have a total of 251 MPs. The unfair system of 'first past the post voting' meant that the Liberal Democrats got 76 seats with about the same number of votes as Reform who only got 5 seats!
Currently, party leader Nigel Farage wants to create a nationwide party infrastructure and get lots of Reform candidates on the Councils in 2025. His aim is for Reform to win the next General Election in 2029! 

Incidentally, as this is a Brexit blog, I should add that Sir Kier Starmer, our new Prime Minister, head of the Labour Party, is very much a Remainer, i.e. he would like Britain to be back in the European Union. Unfortunately as I wrote about last year, virtually all the EU legislation in the UK Parliament has not been repealed, so it would be fairly easy to slot us back in again. Hopefully this will not happen but nevertheless all the benefits and opportunities of Brexit Britain have not been utilised and so far we have had BRINO (Brexit in name only!)

Saturday, 27 May 2023

Retained EU Laws and Latest Migration Figures

by Louise Mclean

Retained EU Laws

It has recently been revealed that despite a Bill to remove unnecessary EU Laws from the British Parliament's statute books, this has not happened.  I tend to believe that the reason, unknown to the general public, is that there is a plan to bring us back into the European Union and especially if the Labour Party gets back into power at the next general election. Certainly the likes of Tony Blair and other Arch-Remainers would want this.

Prime Minister Theresa May embedded Retained EU Law in the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018 'to ensure legal certainty and continuity' immediately after Brexit, by preserving all EU and EU-derived law as it stood immediately before the UK's departure.

The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022 was introduced by Liz Truss and Jacob Rees-Mogg last year. According to this
laws that are no longer needed will be removed by the end of December 2023.  This government article talks of bringing forward the 'opportunities of Brexit', although few of these have been realised, due to Britain having globalist leaders and entrenched anti-Brexit civil servants.  

It says the Bill will let parliament update our legislation through 'substance and status reviews' and mentions '2,400 pieces of retained EU law across 300 unique policy areas and 21 sectors of the economy'.  The reality is there are approximately 57,000 EU laws on our statute books! Watch Patriotic Lawyer Exposes Truth about EU Laws in Britain. 

This month it has been revealed that our PM Rishi Sunak has said that only about 600 laws will now be revoked instead of at least 4,000, after he had promised to shred them in his leadership campaign last summer.

Latest Immigration Figures

When there was a national referendum on leaving the European Union in 2016, millions of people voted to leave because they wanted to control Britain's borders and massively reduce the numbers coming to live here. Apparently this fell on deaf ears to the Conservative Party who have been in power since 2010 because immigration has been steadily rising to an untenable number.  

The latest figures that came out on 25th May 2023 show that a total of 1.2 million people came to live in the UK during 2022!  The net migration figure is 606,000, meaning 600,000 people left the UK.  This net figure is always put out to make the total arriving here look less.

These figures show only Legal Immigration and do not reflect the number of illegal immigrants who crossed the channel in dinghies over the past year.  These are estimated to be around 45,000 people, though probably far higher and of course the figures do not include stowaways in lorries and others that creep in around our long coastline!

According to this site, the Home Office granted 3 million visas between March 2022 and March 2023, which is a 90% increase from the year before! The categories break down like this:-

Visit Visas - 51%
Study Visas - 21% (including dependants)
Work Visas - 16% (including dependants)
Family Visas - 3%
Other reasons - 9% (including Ukraine Schemes and BN(O) route)

The Home Office has 62,292 organisations on its register who sponsor work. These are British companies that encourage immigration but there is strong criticism that they should be training British workers instead of importing cheap labour.

It's clear that a small island like Britain cannot continue to take in over a million new people every year. Apparently a new home would need to be built every 2 minutes to house them all. Right now there is a great shortage of housing for our own people and of course that means rental prices have soared and you won't get a decent 2 bedroom flat for less than £2,300 a month in outer London.

Not just housing but all public services are under strain right now and the traffic is very congested on the roads, as our roads were never designed for so many people.  It has been said that Britain is now the most highly populated country in Europe.  Apparently the whole world wants to come here and the reasons are many. Generous welfare benefits, free medical service, free schooling, £ sterling converts so highly into other worldwide currencies to send home.

But for the British people who have lived here for generations, they are dismayed at the massive influx, which is now clearly impacting on their culture, their language and their way of life.

Currently the Illegal Migration Bill is going through Parliament and being carefully checked by the House of Lords right now.  Nevertheless no one really believes that with the current extremely lax system, which seems to allow almost anyone from around the world to come here, that anything will really change. If you don't believe how lax the system is, just look at the Government's own website.

Monday, 3 April 2023

Northern Ireland and the Windsor Framework Sellout


by Louise Mclean

This is not a post that I particularly wanted to write because we are as far from achieving Brexit as ever and if anything, things have been getting worse.

On 27th February 2023, with much fanfare, Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, presented the Windsor Framework at Windsor Castle. This was with the blessing of King Charles, effectively using the Royal Prerogative, which avoided a vote in Parliament. 

The fact that the King endorsed the Windsor Framework, without a formal vote in Parliament and which subjugates Parliament to EU law, calls into question the delicate constitutional balance between the monarchy, Parliament and the People.  It compromises King Charles's position as head of state before he has even attended his formal coronation.

The Windsor Framework was their answer to dealing with the problems of the Northern Ireland Protocol, which was agreed in 2019 as part of the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement, with the aim of preventing a hard border between the North and South of Ireland.

As we know, although the United Kingdom had left the European Union on 31st January 2020, Northern Ireland had been left behind and was still subject to the decisions of the European Court of Justice.

The Windsor Framework was supposed to address the problem of trade but many Conservative MPs and especially the DUP Northern Irish MPs are unhappy and say that it does not solve it.

It is so complex by design, that practically no one except those who drafted it can understand it.

Our government has now agreed to implement a whole range of checks and controls for trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which had not been enforced yet, due to the current grace period.

On 22 March 2023, Parliament then voted for something called the Stormont Brake by 515 votes in favour and 29 against.  The Stormont Brake was implemented by Statutory Instrument to amend the Northern Ireland Act 1998. It is basically inserting Theresa May's  Back Stop, which was voted down three times by Parliament. 

Altogether 70 conservative MPs either voted against the Stormont Brake or abstained, which was an uncomfortable rebellion for Prime Minister Sunak, and all of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) voted against. The Labour Party voted it in, despite the fact there was barely time to read it beforehand! It is a critical part of the Windsor Framework, which in fact gives the EU a direct return to regulation of the entire UK from Brussels.

The whole thing is so complicated and devious in its creation, that I am at a loss to explain it fully!  All I can do is point to these three excellent articles by Caroline Bell, who sets everything out as clearly as possible.

What it does seem to be is an affront to the people of Great Britain and a backdoor pathway to letting the EU regulate all of our trade and not just that of Northern Ireland. Perhaps this is being used as a way to get the UK back into the European Union and push the North and South of Ireland into a United Ireland.

Certainly Theresa May made sure by passing the EU Retained Law Bill, that despite Brexit, all EU law in Britain would be retained and very little of the thousands of regulations, if any, have been repealed since we officially left the EU in January 2020.
The extent of the legal shenanigans of the Rushi Sunak government and the EU, leave my head spinning!  It is all clearly designed to dupe MPs and the public into thinking a good solution has been found for Northern Ireland!  Rishi, as we know, is one of the young globalist leaders of the World Economic Forum and is no doubt following their instructions!

Trump Will Show Britain!

by Louise Mclean On 20th January 2025, President Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America, with huge relief ...