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Friday, 14 August 2020

Britain's Migrant Crisis!

Updated 17.8.20

by Louise Mclean

Since Tony Blair became Prime Minister in 1997, Britain has found itself responsible for integrating a huge migrant population and in just over twenty years, it has changed the face of this country forever.

In 1999 Blair's Labour government brought in the Immigration Asylum Act and in 2000, the Asylum Support Regulations. The Illegal Crossers' Charter encourages migrant crossings by promising free housing and payments, including to illegal immigrants, making it harder to prosecute those entering illegally.  Migration Watch has called for the repeal of its provisions to restore control of our immigration policy.

From at least the year 2000, we experienced very large numbers of people coming from the European Union, especially when former Communist countries joined it and were eligible to live in Britain, the figures being far higher than predicted.

In addition, migrants from outside the EU were also arriving but not from the Commonwealth countries, such as New Zealand, Australia, South Africa.

No Prime Minister since Tony Blair has had the will to curb the influx, despite repeated promises and repeated pleas from the British people, who had neither given their permission, nor in many cases, had any knowledge of what was going on.

For example, whole towns, previously inhabited by white British people, have been taken over completely by masses of Muslims.  Labour councils are now often made up entirely of Muslim councillors.  In other towns, ethnic minorities live together in ghettos, such as the Romanians in Sheffield and Indian people in areas such as Birmingham. 

It is true what Enoch Powell once said, "One day you will wake up and find yourself a stranger in your own country".  He knew what was coming and tried to warn us but was ostracised by the political establishment.

I am not personally against having foreigners living in Britain.  When I first moved to London in 2000, I found it quite lively having people of different nationalities there.  In fact when I lived in London in the 1970s, I thought it would be good to see some of the snobby Sloane Ranger types taken down a peg or two from their entitled attitude!  What I am against, is our own population of indigenous Britons becoming completely outnumbered, which has already happened, especially in London.

After all, Britain is a small country and currently we are suffering a major housing crisis.  We simply do not have the facilities to accommodate any more newcomers.

Yet it seems that the true scale of immigration has been totally kept from us for many years, as there are apparently Sanctuary Cities for migrants all over Britain.

Brexit was all about controlling our borders and when Boris Johnson became Prime Minister last year, people were confident that he would rein in the numbers coming into Britain.  But in fact this article shows that Boris was quite happy to grant amnesty to illegal migrants hiding out in our country and stated it at least 8 times between 2008 and 2019! 

As an example of the true size of the population of England, the following statistic was given by NHS Digital.  It said that 23.4 million people visited A&E in one year in England alone between 2016-2017 !  As I have never personally visited A&E and I am sure millions of other people also did not need to go in 2016, it gives you some idea of our gigantic population!

We are told the 2020 population of Britain is nearly 68 million but in the 1970s, before mass immigration, it was around 56 million, so I think it highly unlikely to be only 12 million more!

Over the past few months we have seen a massive increase of people crossing the English Channel in small dinghies applying for asylum here.  Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party, was the first to highlight this, after he was receiving information from people living on the Kent coast and went out to investigate himself. You can see these videos on his YouTube or on his Twitter account. Here is an interview Nigel did on 10th August with Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio

Sometimes up to 20 boatloads will arrive early in the morning when the tide is right and what Nigel discovered was that the French Navy had been literally handing over the illegal immigrants to our UK Border Force! These people were put into coaches waiting at Dover and bussed around the country to fill hotels, which had been empty due to lock down.

They are then put up in 3 or 4 star hotels, with round the clock meals, laundry service and are eligible for free healthcare on our NHS, schooling for their children and much more. But don't believe me, read this debate in Parliament on 29th June 2020 with questions addressed to Chris Philp, Conservative Immigration MP, after the trouble that broke out in a Glasgow hotel filled with asylum seekers. 

His delight and praise for all the things lavished on these migrants, is quite astonishing to read. What about our own homeless people with no food or roof over their heads?  Are they not vulnerable? That perfect strangers who have never put a penny into the system can jump out of dinghies and be given the red carpet treatment, is quite sickening to most British people, who are already suffering in a major recession caused by the pandemic.
It was revealed by Nigel Farage, that there are at least 48,000 illegal immigrants languishing in top hotels all over Britain, while their asylum cases are heard, with the taxpayer footing the bill. See the list here which is being compiled.

The organisation of this has been contracted out to the Serco and Mears Groups to the tune of at least £4 billion over 10 years, showing that it is meant to continue! In an interview on Talk Radio on 10th August, Richard Tice, Chairman of the Brexit Party, talks about Serco and the current fiasco!

The people making the dangerous crossings across the Channel in dinghies seem to currently be mainly of African origin, some of which appear uneducated and may indeed have come from war torn countries, possibly bringing the violence they have endured with them.  Or in some cases they may be ISIS fighters, but the fact is, that since they are encouraged to throw their ID papers into the sea, we have no way of knowing and many could be a serious danger to our country.

It seems ironic that Poland and Hungary, which are both fully paid up members of the European Union's rules and regulations, have refused to take any migrants whatsoever.  Yet Britain apparently left the EU on 31st January this year and is unable to prevent them from flooding in!

Chris Philp, MP for Croydon South, who extols the virtues of all the help we are giving to these people, is obviously not the toughest Minister to send to France to negotiate on our behalf to prevent the huge numbers coming over the English Channel.  Yet he is the man who has been sent this week!

It is quite possible that the French will say they will only assist us in stopping the migrant flow, if we will continue to allow them to fish in our waters after the Brexit transition ends on 31st December.  They did in fact threaten this a couple of months ago.

The fact is that we have been asking the French for help to stem the tide of migrants from Calais since the year 2000 and given them more than £100 million.  They are now demanding a further £30 million, yet the problem is worse than ever.  

It is unlikely the French will help us, based on past experience, so we must take action ourselves but Boris Johnson and Priti Patel, our Home Secretary, have said there are legal complications in trying to stop illegal immigration, including the Dublin Regulations, Maritime Law, EU law and the asylum laws mentioned above. 

Lee Anderson, MP for Ashfield says that 23 Conservative MPs have started a Common Sense Group to stop this flood of immigrants coming in illegally.  Here he talks to Mike Graham on Talk Radio on 11th August.

Lee says his Kent constituents are absolutely furious that in the middle of a recession and in lock down, these people are costing us huge sums of money.  They have asked him to act, even coming up to him in the street.  He says he doesn't know the true figures of how many have come via the Channel but he thinks that the people traffickers, making millions from this, should be locked up for life.  

He feels Priti Patel is doing her best at working hard to stop it and has now enlisted the help of our Royal Navy, although it has recently been discovered that she has a hotel full of people in her own Witham, Essex constituency!

As Nigel Farage says, clamping down on this problem is simply a matter of political will. The only way is to either return the migrants immediately to France or to stop giving them any benefits whatsoever.

For those people who say stopping the people coming is inhumane, a Charity boss recently stated that 80% of those coming in the dinghies are economic migrants, usually men between the ages of 18 and 26.  

Officially, in order to claim asylum, the applicant should claim in the first safe country they reach, and France is a safe country.  However, asylum seekers have found they do not receive the generous benefits in other European countries as those provided in the UK, which is why they are desperate to get here for housing and other benefits.

Many people have pointed out that the French could simply police the 40 mile stretch of beach on their side of the Channel, using high speed boats to stop the dinghies before they set off, and arresting the people smugglers.  Also the message should go out that those people taking this route will never be granted asylum if they reach Britain.

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